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Nos partenaires

Through its network of partners, business center OFFICE SPACE JEAN JAURES offers its clients assistance recognized professionals in various fields:


- The accounting firm and financial audit
- Recruitment firms and organization
- Communication agency
- Firms specializing in property management

    Our partner

Accounting and Audit firms

The accounting offices are designed to assist companies managers in the different steps of their company existence :


1. Before the start up through advices in structuring their business idea (Budgeted Accounts ,Business Plan and advice) ;


2. During startup through :


a. Bookkeeping ;

b. Reporting establishment ;

c. Organization advice ;

d. Legal and tax advice.


3. During the development phase by :


a. The implementation of internal control procedures ;

b. Assistance in setting social norms ;

c. Assistance in driving change (computer tool, organization ...).


4. During phases of doubts :


a. Projected cash management ;

b. Assistance in cases of tax control.


5. During the mature phase :


a. Reporting establishing , IFRS accounts and consolidated accounts ;

b. Assistance and supervision.


Moreover, Moroccan chartered accountants are listed in order of the chartered accountants and have the righit to do external audit.

They can be asked to certify the accounts or interven contractualy for company audits.

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Office of Organization and Management Council, which operates in sectors of  Banking / Insurance, Services, Industry, Real Estate and Touristic promotion, Public, etc. also for groups of spans and strong growth potential PME. Consisting of "high" potentials, Latitude Consulting assist its customers to transform their structure (Organization and IS), the launch of activities, the control of structural projects and the assistance in contract management.

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CRÉAPOLIS is an integrated communications agency that assist its customers in marketing development of their companies.

For this purpose, it provides its customers with a plurality of skills whether in the field of publishing (annual reports, catalogs, brochures ...) branding (identity, packaging, gifts business, Web ...) advertising (TV, radio display ...) or other events (Stands, inauguration, Teambuilding ...).

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AMLAK REALTIES is a consulting office in tourism and real estate, which provides services in strategic and operational consulting for real estate professionals and hostelry, whether they are investors, developers, planners or developers.

AMLAK REALTIES operates in the following real estate :

  • Residential Real Estate
  • Professional Real Estate (office spaces)
  • Commercial Real Estate (retail stores, malls)
  • hostelry
  • Industrial Real Estate (logistic warehouses, industrial business zones)
  • Integrated Projects

For each type of real estate assets, AMLAK REALTIES offers to its customers a range of targeted real estate services with high added value throughout the value chain of real estate investment :

  • Sites research and transactions
  • Market Study and Analysis
  • Financial analysis and financial feasibility studies
  • Assistance and contract negotiations of management and commercialization
  • Assistance and coaching to bank financing
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LAZ EXECUTIVE SEARCH is a consulting office specializing in human resources, specialized in the recruitment of managers and executives.

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Situé au centre ville de Casablanca, WorkSpot est un espace de coworking qui s'adresse aussi bien aux entreprises qu'aux particuliers (entrepreneurs, freelances, salariés isolés, porteurs de projets...) à la recherche d'un lieu idéalement conçu pour travailler, se faire un réseau et recevoir ses clients.


WorkSpot propose différents types d'espaces de travail totalement flexibles et qui s'adaptent aux besoins de tous:


- Location de bureaux équipés

- Location d'espace de coworking 

- Location de salles de réunion et de formation 

- Location d'espace pour évènements corporate


Les locations proposées par WorkSpot sont clés en main: aucun frais d'aménagement n'est à prévoir.


WorkSpot propose également une gamme de services à ses membres:


- Solution Bureau Virtuel (Accueil téléphonique et physique des clients)

- Service de secrétariat

- Service de conciergerie pouvant répondre à toutes demandes (réservation d'hôtels, coursier, blanchisserie etc.)



Focalisez vous sur le développement de votre activité, pour le reste il y a WorkSpot.

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2013 (c) OFFICESPACE JEAN JAURES - Contact us | Sitemap
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49, rue Jean Jaures, 6éme étage
Quartier Gauthier Casablanca Maroc
Tél : +212 5 22 279 824
Fax : +212 5 22 274 319
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Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30 to 12:30
and from 13:30 to 18:30.

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